Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Bevan Davis (Chairman) and Henk Snyman (Secretary) hereby extends a very sincere invitation to you to attend the Tooling Association (TASA) Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 18th November @ 14h00. This is being held at the PLASTICS FEDERATION OFFICES, 18 GAZELLE AVENUE, CORPORATE PARK, MIDRAND.

We know this is going to take some time out of your busy schedule but consider the following:

Who are you going to contact for assistance when:

·         You need more work for your business?
·         You need toolmakers that are competent?
·         The Department of Labour commands you to double your pay rates?
·         You need loans and grants for equipment?
·         Need to improve profitability?
·         You need Business Plans, Marketing Plans, Financial Advice?
·         Need Business process Re-engineering, HR and Legal Support?
·         You need some to assist you with whatever in the tooling field?

These services are available to you and it starts with your participation at the TASA AGM.

Support your organisation so that your organisation can support you.

Henk Snyman

Henk Snyman - Secretary TASA
Bevan Davies - Chairman TASA

Monday, November 8, 2010


Henk Snyman - TASA Gauteng
Region Secretary
You are invited to a Workshop on the 11th November 2010 on the Toolmaking industry labour rates.

Some tool rooms are experiencing problems with the bargaining council, wage rates and how these rates are set for the tooling sector. These concerns include the following: 

  • MEIBC (Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council) are issuing directives that require tooling firms to pay all staff members working on any machine, a minimum A grade. Furthermore.
  • There is disparity between labour rates for similar occupations in different sectors.
  • The wage rate of a general labourer at an importer of tooling is significantly less than a general labourer at a SA tooling firm –       regulation thus favours tooling imports.
  • The methodology behind the MEIBC document is open to interpretation in terms of its definitions applicable to the tooling industry


These issues hold serious ramifications for the tooling sector and may result in forced reduction of the labour force and even result in some tool rooms being put out of business. This is contrary to objectives of TASA and the NTIP.


Following on the fact that Stakeholders in KZN have met and had initial discussions, suggested  that as a collective body, the rates should be challenged, as well as the consultation and dialogue process that determines these rates should be challenged. This requires direct tooling sector participation during the MEIBC annual rate negotiations. This implies that the Tooling sector needs representation within SEIFSA, or alternatively break away to form own association.

These issues need however to be addressed at a national level. NTIP has proposed a series of workshops in 3 provinces to facilitate industry input. In depth consultation with a broad base of tooling industry representatives is required to understand the issues fully and to develop a collective viewpoint. This is a prerequisite and first step before engaging with SEIFSA.

We hereby invite you to join us at 14h00 on 11 November at PLASTICS FEDERATION OFFICES, Corporate Park, 18 Gazelle Avenue, Midrand to contribute your views and ideas on how the tooling sectors interests could be better served. The duration of the workshop will be no more than 2.5 hours. Please confirm your attendance by contacting Priscilla Smith at priscillas@tasaweb.co.za / 012 644 1581 or Henk Snyman on 0823274069.

NTIP Students in training
You are welcome to contact me (Henk Snyman) with comments or issues be raised at this workshop.