Friday, November 18, 2011

TASA Gauteng Annual General Meeting – 19th January 2012

The “New” TASA in Gauteng, with Bevin Davis as chairman and Henk Snyman as the TASA secretary is now two years old.

The TASA Articles of Association stipulatethat a new chairman must be chosen annually for the Gauteng Region. In terms of the rotation policy the Gauteng Chairman is also going to be the National TASA Chairman, and it is therefore important that TASA members in Gauteng make use of this opportunity to choose a chairman that will lead TASA for the next year.

This important event requires that we follow the Constitution to the letter. Therefore the following formal announcements:

1. The AGM for 2011/2012 will now take place on 19thJanuary 2012 at 2:30 p.m. at The Plastics Federation Offices, 18 Gazelle Avenue, Corporate Park, Midrand.
2. At that AGM, the period of service of the current chairman and office bearers is automatically terminated. A new chairman and office bearers will be elected during the duly constituted AGM by eligible, paid up TASA Gauteng members.
3. The Constitution stipulates that the AGM needs to be announced six weeks before the actual meeting date. Moving the meeting to the 19thJanuary 2012 allows for this provision.
4. Eligible TASA members wishing to make themselves available for the position of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Office Bearers of TASA Gauteng, are requested to submit their names to the TASA Secretary, Henk Snyman, before or on the date of the AGM. Alternatively, nominations can be made at the meeting at which time candidates need to be able to prove at the meeting that he / she is a TASA member in good standing.
5. A maximum number of nine office bearers (including chairman and vice chairman) can be chosen at the AGM.
6. There is no remuneration attached to the position of any of the office bearers.
7. The office bearers are also ex officio directors of the Gauteng Tooling Initiative - also a pro bono position.

At the meeting the outgoing chairman will presenthis annual report on the activities of TASA and its subsidiaries over the last year. The chairman will answer questions from the floor. An agenda for the meeting will be distributed later.

The position of TASA secretary is an ex officioappointment. The structure is such that the CEO of the Regional Tooling Initiative, in this case the CEO of the Gauteng Tooling Initiative, fulfils the role of secretary.

Members are encouraged to attend the meeting as the office bearers that will be chosen will directly influence the strategy and the visual success of the organisation in all of South Africa.

Henk Snyman
Secretary: TASA Gauteng
18th November 2011