Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Bevan Davis (Chairman) and Henk Snyman (Secretary) hereby extends a very sincere invitation to you to attend the Tooling Association (TASA) Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 18th November @ 14h00. This is being held at the PLASTICS FEDERATION OFFICES, 18 GAZELLE AVENUE, CORPORATE PARK, MIDRAND.

We know this is going to take some time out of your busy schedule but consider the following:

Who are you going to contact for assistance when:

·         You need more work for your business?
·         You need toolmakers that are competent?
·         The Department of Labour commands you to double your pay rates?
·         You need loans and grants for equipment?
·         Need to improve profitability?
·         You need Business Plans, Marketing Plans, Financial Advice?
·         Need Business process Re-engineering, HR and Legal Support?
·         You need some to assist you with whatever in the tooling field?

These services are available to you and it starts with your participation at the TASA AGM.

Support your organisation so that your organisation can support you.

Henk Snyman

Henk Snyman - Secretary TASA
Bevan Davies - Chairman TASA

Monday, November 8, 2010


Henk Snyman - TASA Gauteng
Region Secretary
You are invited to a Workshop on the 11th November 2010 on the Toolmaking industry labour rates.

Some tool rooms are experiencing problems with the bargaining council, wage rates and how these rates are set for the tooling sector. These concerns include the following: 

  • MEIBC (Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council) are issuing directives that require tooling firms to pay all staff members working on any machine, a minimum A grade. Furthermore.
  • There is disparity between labour rates for similar occupations in different sectors.
  • The wage rate of a general labourer at an importer of tooling is significantly less than a general labourer at a SA tooling firm –       regulation thus favours tooling imports.
  • The methodology behind the MEIBC document is open to interpretation in terms of its definitions applicable to the tooling industry


These issues hold serious ramifications for the tooling sector and may result in forced reduction of the labour force and even result in some tool rooms being put out of business. This is contrary to objectives of TASA and the NTIP.


Following on the fact that Stakeholders in KZN have met and had initial discussions, suggested  that as a collective body, the rates should be challenged, as well as the consultation and dialogue process that determines these rates should be challenged. This requires direct tooling sector participation during the MEIBC annual rate negotiations. This implies that the Tooling sector needs representation within SEIFSA, or alternatively break away to form own association.

These issues need however to be addressed at a national level. NTIP has proposed a series of workshops in 3 provinces to facilitate industry input. In depth consultation with a broad base of tooling industry representatives is required to understand the issues fully and to develop a collective viewpoint. This is a prerequisite and first step before engaging with SEIFSA.

We hereby invite you to join us at 14h00 on 11 November at PLASTICS FEDERATION OFFICES, Corporate Park, 18 Gazelle Avenue, Midrand to contribute your views and ideas on how the tooling sectors interests could be better served. The duration of the workshop will be no more than 2.5 hours. Please confirm your attendance by contacting Priscilla Smith at priscillas@tasaweb.co.za / 012 644 1581 or Henk Snyman on 0823274069.

NTIP Students in training
You are welcome to contact me (Henk Snyman) with comments or issues be raised at this workshop.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tangible financial benefits for TASA Members

Two companies that recently joined TASA both benefited financially from their TASA membership.

From Left: Mr. Geoff Tugwell, Henk Snyman,  Jim Plester & Barry Preston

The company Machine Simulation SA, TASA member number MAC001 , has agreed with TASA is that it will give a discount of 5% on the cost of the software purchased from MSSA. The first TASA member to take up this offer is Tugwell Engineering. They recently purchased Catia, a fully integrated design & manufacturing solution.

At an event at Tugwell Engineering, Henk Snyman, the secretary of TASA Gauteng, handed over the TASA membership certificates to MSSA and Tugwell Engineering. This was the trigger for Tugwell Engineering to get the discount on the software.

Present at the events were Messrs Jim Plester Technical Sales Director for MSSA, Geoff Tugwell from Tugwell Engineering and Barry Preston, the PLM consultant of DASSAULT SYSTEMS from Coventry in the UK.

Geoff Tugwell gave some background on his organisation. He stated that he specialises in blow moulding tools with a focus on the automotive industry. He has supplied major first tier suppliers such as FAURECIA with a blow moulded components. He stated that the reason for his choice of Catia software is that it’s the standard CAD/CAM package for the automotive industry. Tugwell engineering will use Catia to design and manufacture the tooling on their 2 CNC machining centres.

MSSA will supply the Dassault Systemes product lifecycle management (PLM) solution & C G Tech CNC simulation software at a discounted rate to all paid up TASA members. Further information on MSSA’s solutions can be viewed on the following websites, www.machsimsa.co.za (C G Tech software) and www.aided.co.za (Dassault Systemes PLM solution) or call 011 021 0616 to find out more.

Jim Plester also stated that “everyone recognises that Catia is the Rolls-Royce of CAD/CAM solutions, but what surprises most people is the price, for R123,000 (excl. VAT) you get a powerful design and machining package, including 8 days of training”

The Secretariat of TASA, Mr. Henk Snyman is handing over the TASA Membership Certificate to Mr. Jim Plester on Thursday 14th October 2010 on the premises of Tugwell Engineering.

TASA is in the process of negotiating similar deals with other suppliers. Please contact the TASA Gauteng secretary, Henk Snyman, to share and propose other suppliers to be approached to give the same preference to TASA members.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gauteng TOOLMAKERS invited to join SOLAR PARK INITIATIVE Cluster

Photo Voltaic arrays in action.
The Gauteng Tooling Initiative has submitting the required information to DTI on a PRE-TRADE Initiative Selection Template to participate as a design, manufacture and supply CLUSTER to the SOLAR PARK Initiative planned for the Northern Cape.
This Solar Park will act somewhat like an Industrial Park. The "Solar Park Authority" will develop the infrastructure such as roads, transport, water and transmission infrastructure for use by the individual Solar power generation entities who are located at the park. TASA Members early involvement with the park will allow them to present their capabilities to the operators of the generating entities. This will assist to keep the manufacturing activities within South Africa with the associated job creation.
GTI operating as a cluster will market the TASA members capability and capacity to the Solar Park Authority. The real manufacturing and toolmaking opportunities are with the individual Solar power generating companies that will populate the park.
If you as a TASA member wish to participate in the Cluster, please contact Henk Snyman by e-mail (henks@gtiweb.co.za), phone (0823274069) or by sending a message from the Blog.

Heat storage traditional solar energy electricity generating plant.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pre-Apprentice On The Job Training Placement a Resounding Success

On the 13th September a Reverse Job Fair was held at the Ekurhuleni FET college.

Ten companies made presentations to the 41 students. The companies shared their Mission, Vision, Values, Working Methods and product ranges with the students.

After this presentation the students had the opportunity to have interviews with the companies management. The students were prepared for the interviews as they had done extensive resaerch on the companies using the internet and other sources. They all had a good idea of what each company was doing.

Mr Bevan Davis, Chairman of the TOOLMAKING
giving the  opening  address at the TASA / NTIP
ReverseJob Fair.
The 41 students eventually were offered 51 positions - this oversupply of opportunities is rather unique for persons who have no work experience. Both the employers and the students were extremely happy with the outcome and all the parties are satisfied with the outcome.

The NTIP Project Management, teaching and support staff expressed their thanks to the companies that are participating. Reports from the other provinces indicates the same placement successes have been achieved. All the South African students are now in OTJ positions untill the end of the year.

Monday 20th September was the first working day for the students. It can be reported with pride that all the student arrived at work on time properly kitted with safety gear .

TASA - GAUTENG will keep you posted on the progress with this program.

Chris de Wet from BOHLER interviewing a Pre-Apprence
Toolmaking student at the Reverse Job Fair.

Johann Groenewald, GTI Board Member, Carlos Barbosa NTIP Project manager and pre-apprentice Toolmakers listening to the opening address of  Mr Bevan Davis at the Reverse Job Fair at the Ekhuruleni FET College.

Friday, September 10, 2010

TASA First Job Fair for Toolmaking Apprentices

From Left: Johan Davies; Ron MacLarty;
Leonard Makgamathe; Firoz Cachalia (MEC)
After successfully participating in the Afrimold Conference and Exhibition as a member organisation, TASA is following up this success with a first Reverse Job Fair to be held on be 13th September 2010 at the Kwathema campus in Ekurhuleni.

At the show TASA was extremely encouraged by the visit of the MEC for Economic Development of Gauteng, Mr Firoz Cachalia to the Afrimold exhibition and specifically to the TASA stands. The Gauteng Provincial Administration supports the Gauteng Tooling Initiative, a not for profit company, to revitalise the tool Die and Mould Making Industry in the Province.

The public-private partnership between the TASA is initiative known as the NTIP (National Tooling Initiative Program), the DTI, the Gauteng Provincial Administration and the Gauteng Tooling Initiative has resulted in a successful Toolmaking Apprenticeship Programme being run for the last nine months at the Kwathema and Soweto FET campuses. This PPP Involves Local and National Government, the learning institutions, local industry to create meaningful long-term value adding jobs in the manufacturing industry.

The result of these efforts will culminate in a Reverse Job Fair in which 13 companies from industry will offer the 40 students on the job training opportunities for the next three months. Each toolmaking apprentices candidate is assured of a learnership position in industry. At the job fair each learner will meet with five companies and the companies will each meet with 16 candidates. In this way the candidates can choose what companies as they wish to work for and the companies can meet with the candidates. This ensures the best fit between the company and the candidate.

The participants wish to thank the MEC and the other role players, specifically the industry companies that is participating in this successful venture.

The participating companies are CBI Electric; MA Automotive; Flextech; Conver-Tek; Hayes Lemmerz; Bohler Uddeholm Africa; Zealous Group of Companies; Mechanical Technologies; MLI Tool & Die; Aquajet Profiles; Vijking Foundaries; Fineblanking; NAMPAK.
Posted by Henk Snyman

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pre-Apprentiship On The Job Training

Henk Snyman - TASA Gauteng (CEO)
With the support of the NATIONAL TOOLING INITIATIVE, 50 (Fifty) Toolmaking pre-apprentices have now completed their theoretical training.

TASA now needs your support to place these learners in real world companies to gain experience in the manufacturing sector. These pre-apprenticeship toolmakers were selected from more than 300 applicants.

This select group now needs to get 6 weeks of On The Job Training to experience how a real world company operates. They are to be exposed to the real world of production so that they can gain an understanding of how important good tools are to quality production.

During the OTJ training period they will be on a program (see attachment) that will expose them to Safety in the Workplace, Quality Management and Conformance, the Product Development Process, Manufacturing Planning, Maintenance, Product Design and what happens in a Tool room.

The questions you may ask are:
1. What is in it for my company?

* I get to know the apprentice in the work environment and may want to employ the individual somewhere in the future.
* I am contributing to skills development in South Africa.

2. What is the Cost?
* There is no cost to the company as the individuals are on a scholarship.
Please consider participating by contacting Henk Snyman at henks@gtiweb.co.za or o12-644 1581 or o823274069. I am awaiting your call.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Afrimold attracts NTIP to expo, conference

NTIP CEO, Dirk van Dyk
Afrimold trade exhibition, described as the first such show for mould-making, tooling, design and applications development on the African continent, takes place from 16-18 August 2010 at the Sandton Convention Centre.

The National Tooling Initiative Programmes (NTIP) has announced it will participate in the show and present a paper at the conference, which will feature international and local speakers on all aspects of the product development process. The NTIP has as its national objective, the rehabilitation of the South African tool, die and mould making industry.

NTIP CEO, Dirk van Dyk and his colleagues from the Gauteng and Western Cape tooling initiatives will present papers on local developments in SA and give an overview of the government's plans for fast tracking the tooling industry. "This is the first time an event of this nature is hosted on the African continent and we firmly believe that it will play a large part in revitalising the tool, die and mould making sector in South Africa," he said.

Afrimold 2010 seeks to create a platform for experts to share their knowledge ultimately enhancing product development and advancing business, technology and design throughout the African continent. Special provision has been made for Tooling Association South Africa (TASA) members to receive a 90% discount, which they can apply to exhibiting at the show.

The speakers include Pierre Terblanche, the South African designer based in Italy, Wolfgang Diehl from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Germany and South Africa's leading industrial designers, Brian Steinhobel and Peter Dreyer.

Friday, August 6, 2010


AFRIMOLD Exhibition

This is the first specialist Technology Exhibition aimed at the Mouldmaking and Tooling industries.

At "Afrimold" visitors will be afforded the opportunity to see the latest technology available to the product development industry in action - from both local and international exhibitors. The exhibition will provide the ideal platform to meet with existing suppliers and gain access to new ones.

Afrimold is a new event experience connecting buyers & sellers from all aspects of the product development lifecycle.

concept > design > engineer > prototype > manufacture
Event: Afrimold Exhibition Date: from: 16/08/2010 to: 18/08/2010 Location: Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg

TASA Gauteng

TASA is constituted as a national body with representation from all provinces who have significant tool, die and mould making activities. Representation is through TASA provincial structures. 
Any company who is involved in Tool, Die or Mould making, or supplies material to, or relies on this essential and core industry will benefit tremendously through participation in the TASA structures.
TASA members benefit directly from the NTI in that TASA participates in the multi stakeholder structures with a focus on the initiation and governing the execution of deliverable based programs that addresses the industry required interventions that will lead to a TDM industry that can compete on the global playing field (read more in the member benefits and registration section).

The key value parameters that drive TASA NTI participation are:

  • To promote innovation and technology transfer.
  • To promote quality standards with respect to product and service.
  • To promote training & education.
  • To promote exports & other market opportunities.
  • To promote good public relations and communications.
  • To supply sound information and advice for members.
  • TO contribute proactively to improve TDM competitiveness.
  • To work effectively to represent the sectors interest at all levels of the legislative regulatory process.
  • To promote and give guidance toward effective and sustainable Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment.