Friday, August 6, 2010

TASA Gauteng

TASA is constituted as a national body with representation from all provinces who have significant tool, die and mould making activities. Representation is through TASA provincial structures. 
Any company who is involved in Tool, Die or Mould making, or supplies material to, or relies on this essential and core industry will benefit tremendously through participation in the TASA structures.
TASA members benefit directly from the NTI in that TASA participates in the multi stakeholder structures with a focus on the initiation and governing the execution of deliverable based programs that addresses the industry required interventions that will lead to a TDM industry that can compete on the global playing field (read more in the member benefits and registration section).

The key value parameters that drive TASA NTI participation are:

  • To promote innovation and technology transfer.
  • To promote quality standards with respect to product and service.
  • To promote training & education.
  • To promote exports & other market opportunities.
  • To promote good public relations and communications.
  • To supply sound information and advice for members.
  • TO contribute proactively to improve TDM competitiveness.
  • To work effectively to represent the sectors interest at all levels of the legislative regulatory process.
  • To promote and give guidance toward effective and sustainable Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment.

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